beginning the transmission
This is an attempt to write a paper for Professor Tinkcom's course, Theories of Virtuality (CCTP-785) under the influence of blogging technology. I've chosen this format for a number of reasons:
- to demonstrate the performative quality of academic paper-writing
- to inhabit and operate from a intersubjective position, demonstrated by the time/date stamp of each post which calls attention to the physicality of online writing [i will also add location-specific data to further illustrate this]
- to permit myself the freedom to mix linguistic registers as I construct this text: both the vernacular and the technical jargon inherent to the goal of this site [academia-based] will be utilized, as is "natural" to online forms of speech/writing
- to encourage post-by-post comments from readers, continuing the construction of this project beyond my own mark
I could have chosen to write a website, however, through much experience in doing so, the time it takes to do so is in direct opposition to the themes of space, movement and corporeal presence that will be textually played out on this stage.
I hope you enjoy this text!